The Department of Natural Resources comprises of four (4) major sectors and these include;

  • Forestry
  • Land Management Unit
  • Environment
  • Administration

Sector Mandate:

To ensure sustainable exploitation and utilization of the District Natural Resource Base

Sector objectives:

  1. To promote sustainable utilization and management of environmental, natural and cultural resources on land for social-economic development;
  2. To ensure planned, environmentally friendly, affordable and well-distributed human settlement for both rural and growth centres within the district;
  3. To increase public awareness on environmental conservation, preservation and climate change;
  4. To undertake restoration of degraded areas;
  5. To promote tree growing and agro forestry practices as commercial enterprise;
  6. To manage and protect all government land within the district;
  7. To ensure proper and legal land allocation, registration, utilization and transfers of interest of land in the district;
  8. To promote energy saving initiatives among members of the community;
Planned Activity Out-put/Outcome Indicator Target Progress Achieved Details/Comments
Administrative office
Appraising of staff No. of staff appraised 8 8 All the eight (8) members of staff were appraised
Participating in recruitment of staff No. of staff recruited 5 4 Participated in interviews to select; Tourism Officer, Physical Planner, Senior Environment Officer, Senior Assistant Secretary/DLB and Staff Surveyor
Paying staff salaries and checking the payroll No. of staff paid salary 8 8 All staff received salaries during the period in question
Enforcing settlement of advances No. of advances settled On case by case basis Settlement is on case by case basis All monies advanced to individual officers were settled
Developing proposals for funding under UWA revenue sharing scheme No. of proposals developed and submitted 10 10 All 10 proposals for 10 Parishes were developed and submitted to UWA
Attending TPC and other meetings No. of meetings 12 12 Attended all meetings and where I was not personally, the department was always represented
Carrying out outreaches No. of outreaches 14 14 Outreach programmes were carried out and focus on; importance of Land registering, physical planning, conflict solving and environment sustainability
Collecting revenue Amount of revenue collected 3,000,000 5,190,000 · All revenue collected was banked on the District General Fund A/C. · However, a no. of factors have contributed to the low local revenue collection. These include lack of facilitation to carry out patrols and field surveillance, lack of transport and inadequate staff in the sector
Procuring eucalyptus seedlings No. of Hectares planted No. of schools participating No. of homesteads participating 40,000 44,443 Eucalyptus grandis seedlings were procured (This converted makes 17.8Ha planted) 26 selected primary schools and 9 refugee host homesteads received 33,332 and 11,111 eucalyptus grandis seedlings respectively under DDEG support (17.8Ha).
Carrying out forest extension services No. of farmers visited No. of farmers participating in tree planting 300 200 farmers visited In adequate funds to facilitate the process
Establishment of agro-forestry demos No. of demos established 1 None was established Funds were not released
Carrying out surveillance and enforcement No. of inspections No. of trucks carrying illegal materials impounded No. of tools impounded 10 12 inspections carried out · 8 Truck impounded · 2 Chain saws confiscated · 1 hand saws confiscated
Land management
Conducting DLB Meetings No. of meetings 4 meetings 3 meetings conducted · DLB meetings are conducted quarterly basis · 358 Applications were received for consideration · All cases were considered · 354 cases were offered freehold · 4 cases were offered leasehold
Processing and acquisition of certificates of titles for private people No. of titles processed 100 certificates of titles More than 100 certificates of titles issued This is surveying is private and different field surveyors have processed certificates of titles.
Processing and securing of certificates of titles Sub County head quarter land No. of titles secured 12 sub counties 2 certificates of titles secured · Due to data capture and computerization at surveys and mapping in Entebbe has delayed the production of deed plans for the remaining sub counties · Surveying of Byabashambu government was done and the process of acquiring the certificate of title is ongoing.
Settlement of land disputes No. of disputes settled 20 3 land related issues disputes settled · Two disputes were settled in Kanyegaramire between Andrew Kaguhangire Vs Eric Sande and Andrew Kaguhangire Vs Edinasi Katuri · One dispute was settled in Rukunyu Trading centre between Rev. Christopher Kwizera Vs Herbert Nkabyesiza
Training of Area Land Committee members [ALC] No. trainings conducted 8 trainings No tanning conducted There was no funds released for this FY
Implementing of the Physical Planning Act Visiting sites Recommending building plans No. of site visits No. of building plans 30 sites 40 building plans 14 sites visited 24 building plans recommended for approval Some developers do not declare their developments.
Collecting revenue (Land fees) Amount of revenue collection 6,000,000 2,900,000 · The collections have not been up to the planned level due to establishment of MZO office at Kabarole District and thus no work was going on since 2015 leading to low turn up. · No funds to carryout sensitization of the masses about land registration.
Training in climate change and environment mainstreaming No. of trainings 6 trainings 6 trainings Trainings carried out in Busiriba, Nkoma, Biguli, Mahyoro and Ntara Sub-Counties
Developing Sub County wetlands action plans No. of SWAPs developed 2 None Lack of funds
Carrying out community training in wetlands management No.of community trainings held 6 5 Community trainings in wetlands management were carried out in Kasojo, Busabura, Kaburaisoke, Kiziba and Byabasambu
Conducting environmental inspections and monitoring No. of inspections carried out 8 6 Inspections were carried out in Lyamungonera wetland, Kahunge Sub-County, Rushango in Kabambiro Sub-County, Kikoyo wetland in Buhanda Sub-County, L.George Ramsar site in Mahyoro and wetlands in Bwizi Sub-County · Inspections were also carried out in the Mpanga gorge on both sides of Kanara and Ntara Sub-Counties where massive tree cutting and charcoal burning were discovered · Two people were arrested and taken to court · 15 Environment Compliance Inspection reports for private schools were conducted, reports prepared and submitted to Ministry of Education & Sports for consideration
Carrying out review for EIA and Environmental Audits No. of EIA reports reviewed No specific target 3 · 1 EIA report for proposed construction of Tweheyo Petro Station in Kamwenge Town Council was received, reviewed and comments sub mitted to NEMA · 2 Environment Audit reports for Mpanga Hydro Power station and Dura Quarry plant were received, reviewed and comments submitted to NEMA for approval.
Establishment Development of district environment action plan [DEAP] Action plan developed 1 - No funds released to develop DEAP
Screening of water projects to identify potential negative impacts and also come up with appropriate mitigation measures No. of water sources screened 8 8 Screening was done for; Rukoko GFS, Kanara Mini Piped water system, Nyabbani Mini Piped water system, Kacwampale Eco- san toilet, Kaburaisokye Deep well, Kengoma III deep well, Rwensikiza deep well, Ntuntu deep well and Kashenyi deep well
Certification of works No. of certificates issued 4 2 certificates were issued Two (2) roads contracted by UNRA were inspected to establish if mitigation measures had been met. The roads are; 1. Kahunge-Bisozi-Rwamwanja - 34Km. · 5 borrow pits were opened · 2 of them at Km 24- Bisozi and at Km 34 were not restored Action taken: The contractor was asked to do backfilling in the two pits and this was done 2. Rwenjaza-Kabujogera-Ibanda - 42Km · Three borrow pits were opened · All of them were not restored · However, the contractor provided evidence to the effect that the owners of the land where the borrow pits are located did not want the pits to be covered · This was on the premise that they intended to construct buildings thereon
Enforcing environmental standards No. of actions Situational Situational Gregory Tushabe who was constructing a petrol station along Kamwenge-Fort Portal road without authorization was stopped

Staff deposition as at end of June 2017 During the FY 2016/2017, the staffing position of the Department of Natural Resources stood as follows;

Position No. Appr No. filled Vacant position Salary scale Name of the Position Holder Status
Dist. Nat. Res. Officer 1 1 0 U1E SC William .W. Kasango Confirmed
Sen. Land Management Officer 1 1 0 U3 SC Byamugisha Ferdinand
Forestry Officer 1 1 0 U4 SC Ahimbisibwe Dariton
Physical planner 1 1 0 U4 SC Kasoma Christopher New staff
Tourism Officer 1 1 0 U4 SC Namata Resty New staff
Cartographer 1 1 0 U5 SC Kiiza Daniel Confirmed
Senior Environment Officer 1 0 0 U3 SC Anthony Kalyegira New staff
Staff Surveyor 1 1 0 U4 SC Anthony Kukundakwe New staff
Assistant Records Officer 1 1 0 U5 L Ampaire Allen Confirmed
Forestry Ranger 2 1 1 U7 U Mugabirwe Novenci
Office Typist 1 1 1 U7U Vacant N/A
Office attendant 1 1 1 U8U Robert Mugabe New staff

Overview of Performance 2015/2016 and 1st Quarter 2016/17

Land Management unit;

Consideration of land applications

During the period under consideration, the following have been done order the Land Management Unit;

  • 343 land applications were received and considered by the District Land Board. Out of these, 303 were duly approved and all of them granted freehold. On the other hand 40 applications are still pending approval due to various issues noted by the DLB.
  • 22 building plans were recommended for approval and out of these 9, were from Kamwenge Town Council while 3 were from Kicheche, 4 from Kahunge Town Council, 3 from Nkoma and 2 Ntara Sub-Counties,
  • 4 land and boundary conflicts/disputes were solved without the option of going to court. 1 dispute was settled in Kamwenge Town Council-Rwemirama ward, 2 disputes solved in Bisozi- Nkoma Sub-County and 1 disputed settled in Buguta village,
  • 15 sites visits were made.
  • 2 certificates of titles for Kahunge and Kicheche sub counties were acquired. The process for acquiring the rest is ongoing. The delay was caused the newly introduced digitisation of the land record at the Department of Survesy and Mapping, Entebbe.

Revenue collection:

A total of UGX 2,100,000 was collected by 2015/16 FY and 1st quarter 2016/17 FY and was duly banked on the district general fund account at Finance Trust- Kamwenge branch.

  1. Forestry

Under the forestry sector, the following activities were carried out;

Forestry extension

  • 5 farmers were visited in Nkoma Sub-County,
  • 1 farmer was visited in Kitwe village in Busiriba Sub-County,
  • 3 farmers were visited in Biguli Sub-County,
  • 3 farmers visited in Mahyoro Sub-County,
  • 3 farmers visited Kamwenge Sub-County,
  • 2 farmers visited in Bihanga Sub-County.


  • Most plantations were poorly maintained
  • Some eucalyptus trees had been destroyed by termites

Advice given

  • Farmers whose tree crops had been attacked by termites were advised to treat the anthills with the recommended pesticides such as; Oscoris, Diozone and Rocket.
  • For poorly managed plantations, farmers were advised to carry out silivicultural practices including; thinning, pruning, weeding, line slashing etc

Revenue collection

The forestry sector continues to collect revenue from forest fees. In total UGX 1,180,000 was collected. The revenue was very low due to lack of transport and facilitation to enable the officers to move to the field to collect forest fees.


  • There is urgent need to facilitate forestry staff while collecting revenue,
  • There is need to enhance surveillance,
  • Because of inadequacies in man power, there is need to fill the vacant posts in the forestry sector.



A total of UGX 7,200,000 PAF grant was received during FY 2015/16 and 2,700 for Q1 of 2016/17 and was used to carry out wetland activities that included;

Inspection of Wetlands

  • Lyamugonera in Kahunge Sub County,
  • Kikoyo in Buhanda Sub County


  • Degradation continues to be a major challenge in wetland management,
  • Those responsible for the degradation are majorly farmers who open land for agricultural production.

Demarcation of Buffer Zones

  • The degraders in the affected wetlands were met and they promised to stop their illegal activities,
  • Demarcation of Rushango wetland was done; a total of 5Km and planted with 875 provided by Operation Wealth Creation (OWC)
  • The department is in the process of demarcating off buffer zones starting with the following wetlands;
Wetland Location
Kikoyo Buhanda
Kengoma Kabambiro
Lyamugonera Kahunge
Rwendongo Kahunge
Nyakahama Kamwenge/Kahunge

This intervention will serve and/or benefit the neighbouring communities basically in two ways;

  • Derive nutritional benefit as a result of consumption of mango fruits,
  • Derive and improve income from result of sale of mangoes.
  1. Awareness creation

Together with support from JESE, one meeting was carried out in Karambi and Nyanzi villages in Nyakahama parish, Kahunge Sub County to sensitize communities with the aim of achieving sustainable management of Karambi wetland and protection of R.Mpanga banks.

  1. Review of EIA and Audit Reports
  • Environment Audit report for Mpanga hydro power station was received, reviewed and comments submitted to NEMA for consideration.
  • EIA for the proposed establishment of E. Grandis forest plantation at Kyakarafa was received, reviewed and comments submitted to NEMA for consideration
  • Environmental Compliance inspection for Bishop Balya Girls School, Kamwenge was made and the report submitted to Ministry of Education and Sports
  • Environmental Compliance inspection for Kitagwenda Parents Primary school was made and the report submitted to Ministry of Education and Sports
  1. Administrative Office
  • Salaries of all staff in the Department of Natural resources were paid,
  • Support supervision of staff was provided,
  • All staff were appraised in July 2016,
  • Mentoring was done for all staff,
  • In-house staff training was carried out
  • 10 proposals for funding were generated and submitted to QENP under revenue sharing arrangements.

Constraints/Challenges to Service Delivery

  1. Office Based
  • Continued inadequate funding for the department has been the biggest ever since,
  • Staff living for other opportunities elsewhere and not replacing them also hinders performance of the sector,
  • Lack of transport means which hinders mobility of staff thus making retarding performance in the department.
  1. Field based
  • Wetlands degradation,
  • Bush fires by farmers,
  • Political interference by political leaders at lower local levels,
  • Charcoal burning,
  • River banks degradation.

Efforts to so far taken to address the above challenges

  • Submissions made to fill the vacant positions and the process is on-going;
  • Field sensitization and awareness being done,
  • The department is in the process of demarcating off buffer in selected wetlands,
  • Demarcation of the hot spots of R.Mpanga is being done for purposes of both stabilizing the gorge but also protect endangered and endemic species living in the gorge such as the Encephalortus Whitelokii (Cycads),
  • Enforcement of the enacted national laws and byelaws.


  • There is urgent need to provide funds to carry out sector activities according to the work plan,
  • In a view of the increased desire by farmers to take on tree farming as a business, it is recommended that tree nursery beds should be established in sub counties
  • Planned interventions for 2017/2018
  • Awareness creation on importance of acquiring certificates of titles and also assisting them to acquire these certificates,
  • Monitor and supervise progress of implementation of tree planting activities by DFO and FR,
  • Establish 2 nurseries to provide planting materials,
  • Awareness creation on Environment issues,
  • Carry out environmental inspections within the district,
  • Awareness creation on land tenure systems and procedures required for one to secure his/her parcel of land,
  • Revenue collection from both land related fees as well as forestry fees.

Resource envelope for FY 2017/2018(indicative planning figures)

Sector Amount expected Source
Land management 10,000,000 Local Revenue
Environment 10,800,000 MoWE – PAF CG for wetlands
Forestry 8,000,000 Local Revenue
Administration 129, 800,000 UCG for salaries
Administration 35, 000,000 Local Revenue and UCG


  • There is an ambitious target of attaining middle income status by 2020, yet majority of Ugandans are expected to get rich from agriculture
  • This may not be achieved


  • Climate change is taking serious toll on the production potential of the nation
  • Whatever is planted, gets scorched by prolonged drought and emergence of pests and diseases
  • This quite often results into crop failure
  • Ultimately productivity is grossly affected

Therefore, even if we promote growing of crops without putting due attention on how to mitigate and/or adapt to effects of climate change, then there is no way we can attain the much-cherished middle-income status.


  • There is urgent need to set aside funds to kick-start efforts to address climate change starting with UGX 10,000,000.
  • Collaborative actions will be undertaken together with the Production department to spearhead workable interventions such as
    • Promotion of small-scale irrigation including drip irrigation
    • Piloting establishment of manageable valley dams to provide water for production


Head, Department of Natural Resources